Chairman's Desk
Activism, in common parlance, implies some forms of action to bring about social and political change. However, we use the term “activism” in a specific sense, unlike the very conventional understanding. From our perspective activism has an everyday character too. The everyday mundane activity of human beings cannot be understood in an abstract instrumental way. Knowingly or unknowingly the everyday activities of individuals and communities are being influenced, informed, and shaped up by different ideologies, concepts, and beliefs embedded in the larger systems of praxis. The routine activity of daily life is often imbued with the shadows of ideological underpinning independent of willful and conscious acceptance of the human agency. Hence, human activity in everyday life takes an ideological character that manifests itself in concepts, perspectives, attitudes, and beliefs infused with the very action we perform every day. This leaves the scope for thinking in terms of everyday activism that we subscribe to as the area of penetration with the improvised methods and tools of social research. The purpose is to make everyday life rational, rightly informed, and eligible for both transcendence and transformation of the self and circumstances. With this very purpose Activism Foundation for Social Research and Action together with Activism Social Science Club initiated a movement to help the helpless and invigorate the vulnerable by engaging them in appropriate praxis suitable to their needs and uncovered by the case or issues specific research. We wish your active support and solidarity, by all means, to carry forward the lofty ideals for the sake of the rational reconstitution of everyday life. Thank you.
Dr. Sourish Jha