Activism Cultural Space

Activism Cultural Space

Activism Cultural Space is the subsidiary unit of the Activism Foundation. It’s an association of the creative personalities from all the spheres of cultural activities including but not limited to singing, writing, reciting, dancing, drama, art & craft, etc. It aims to constitute the space of creative production in everyday life to make it worthy, meaningful, and functionally vibrant. It believes that creativity is not the sole stake of genius rather it is rooted in human ingenuity since the dawn of civilization. It aims to circumscribe the impact of the monotony and congestion of the day-to-day routine activities and will attempt categorically to broaden the horizon of creative praxis in everyday life. Activism Cultural Space strongly advocates for inclusivity and cultural tolerance and stands against all forms of cultural domination and appropriation. Cultural Space seeks to promote secularity in the cultural practices while discarding the blind faith, religiosity, superstitions, and elements of hatredness imbued with the spirit of fundamentalism. It would like to integrate cultural varieties and expressions in the creative endeavor with the purpose to make every day better and free from all sorts of dysfunctionalities.
Activism Cultural Space aims to bridge the gap between critical and creative praxis by establishing reciprocity between the spheres, with criticality informing and steering the life process and creativity shaping the expressions of life and affectivity accordingly.
Cultural Space will arrange cultural interlocutory as a form of interim cultural dialogue in between the compulsions and aspirations in everyday life. As a part of cultural interlocutory, it intends to organize cultural performances, events, workshops, exhibitions, etc. while fostering various forms of creative engagements among the differential age groups to disseminate good ideas, practices, tests, and values suited to the context best. Keeping the ‘creativity’ at the center, Cultural Space ventilates the innovative aspirations of the common people in the different fields of every day for the sake of a better present. On the contrary to the “Art for art shake” campaign cultural interlocutory will attempt to explore “meaningfulness” at the heart of creative engagements for healthy living. Cultural interlocutory refutes all forms of commercialization of the cultural activities and speaks for universalization of the opportunities to learn and take part in the artistic expressions of self.
Anybody engaged in cultural activities in any form, with a minimum age of eighteen and appreciative of the objectives and practice of Activism, be a cultural interlocutor and may join as a member of the Activism Cultural Space.

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