Activism Scholar’s Forum

Activism Scholar’s Forum

Activism Scholars’ Forum is a subsidiary unit of the Activism Foundation for Social Research and Action. It brings together intellectuals and researchers across the field of social sciences and humanities with the purpose of building a vibrant space for critical thinking on everyday issues in public life. The Forum aims to address and neutralize blind faiths, irrational beliefs, dogmatic and stereotypical views and fundamentalist approaches generally sourced from commonsensical (mis)perceptions and (mis)conceptions on issues of everyday life. It is a knowledge-based initiative to generate awareness about reductionist thinking and practice often responsible for different sorts of mundane dysfunctionality. It is as well a scholarly intervention imbued with the spirit of critical social sciences. It aims to relate key concepts and ideas of social sciences to everyday reality and make social sciences ‘down to earth’ to facilitate more meaningful living for the ordinary people.
The Forum proposes to undertake several programmes to sensitize co-citizens through unique modes and methods of interaction and public discussions. It will create opportunities also for the young scholars to dedicate themselves to innovative interventions to make social science matter in real-life situations. The Forum is to be an interactive space in which ideas and activities will act in mutually conducive ways to build the edifice of a unique praxis in social sciences.


1. It will organize, in vernacular or any other languages that suit the purpose, public discussions by the experts from different fields on the issues of everyday life.
2. It will facilitate face-to-face interactions with the people to develop critical understanding to address real-life problems more effectively.
3. It will undertake knowledge-based awareness-generation initiatives through popular writings, content development for social media, and public speaking on relevant issues.
4. It will pursue research projects from people-centric perspectives to address everyday issues in informed practical manner.
5. It will disseminate Activism’s ideas nationally and internationally while addressing the local issues of everyday life blending academic and activist spirit.
Anybody engaged in scholarly activities in any domain of social sciences and humanities, with a minimum age of eighteen and appreciative of the objectives and practice of Activism, may join as a member of the Activism Scholars’ Forum.

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