The utility of the case study as a research method has evolved over the years and is widely used throughout the social sciences. This approach is closely associated with the historical study and with anthropology necessitating a deep digging into the developments and collecting data. It is only because of experience with cases that one can at all move from being a beginner to being an expert. The conventional wisdom and misunderstanding about case study research must be readdressed in social science so that the general oversimplification about the nature of such research could be corrected.
Team activism follows the methodology of case study albeit a bit departure from the conventional method of doing case studies. The phenomenon, here, is also studied in detail, cases are analyzed and advisory for solutions are presented. The method of data collection involves three consecutive interviews with the case and one single interview with the associate along with a periodic observation of the researchers engaged in the specific case. The method of data analysis includes a range of sequential order of transcript, open-coding, categorizing, decoding, and proposition. At last, after all these processes, research output is presented wherein conversation with the case and associate happens and which seeks to improve the understanding of the cases on their ‘research problem’ as demonstrated. Further, the research-based advisory provides a concrete guide to action to the cases to deal with the stated obstacles with the innovative techniques. In this way, Activism conducts in-depth research and data are gathered systematically from the sources mentioned above and does not in any way limit itself only to observation and interviews.