ISSN: 2584-0738 (online)
An Open Access Peer Reviewed Journal
About the Journal
CRITICALITY is a peer reviewed open access bilingual (English & Bengali) e-journal. It is bi annually published by the Board of Trustees, Activism Foundation for Social Research & Action, Kolkata- 700104. Copyright is retained by the Foundation as well as the author on submission. Except for citation in scholarly works, no part of the journal may be reproduced in any forms without permission.
Aims & Scope: Criticality is a platform for academic and scholarly writing in social sciences that aims to make multidisciplinary research accessible to the general audience with a focus on, but not limited to everyday life. It aims to hasten the practice of critical thinking outside the limits of formal academic boundaries in contrast to various forms of flawed commonsense perception of the relevant issues. It is an attempt to wage war against all sorts of blind faith, irrational belief, dogmatic views, and fundamentalism usually derived from commonsensical misperception and misconceptions on issues we confront everyday life. It is a kind of knowledge based awakening initiative to encounter all sorts of irrationalities, prejudices, partisan and bigoted sectarianism in thinking and practice. It is a kind of scholarly intervention imbued with the spirit of critical practices in social sciences to understand the usefulness of theoretical and philosophical knowledge from the perspective of mundane life. It seeks to foster subsequent development and catering of reasonable practical knowledge based on efficacious reflections on issues of everyday life. The very object lies in assisting people to overcome the problems of different dysfunctionalities with the means of critical reasoning for an effective functional organization of everyday life. The goal is to extend knowledge based strategic and tactical support to the people in their struggle for managing and meaningful living on earth.