ISSN: 2584-0738 (online)
An Open Access Peer Reviewed Journal

Instructions for Authors

CRITICALITY is a peer reviewed open access bilingual (English & Bengali) e-journal. It is regularly published by the Activism Foundation for Social Research & Action, Kolkata. Copyright is retained by the Foundation and the author on submission. Except for citation in scholarly works, no part of the journal may be reproduced in any forms without permission. Below are the author guidelines and style sheet.

Guidelines for Authors

The journal encourages the use of empirical concepts and theories in high-quality, data-based research papers (both primary and secondary). It accepts works that are both quantitative and qualitative. While the journal supports new researchers publishing their findings, senior scholars are also encouraged to submit. Making the journal a platform for total professional development of social science practitioners—research scholars, teachers, and researchers—especially those who lack proper access to the necessary resources, is the objective. All research and review papers submitted to the journal are subjected to a rigorous peer review process.


Plagiarism Policy – UGC guidelines in respect to plagiarism shall be strictly followed.


Categories of Contributions:

The journal welcomes submissions in the following categories:


       Articles (6000-8000 words)

We invite contributions in the form of feature articles from social sciences. The article can be both empirical and theoretical and deal with issues that will be of interest to scholars practicing in a variety of locales – universities, research institutes, NGOS, etc.

       Commentaries (2000-2500 words)

Contributions in the form of commentaries on any topic of relevance to national as well as international community of sociologists are published under this section.

       Case Study (3000-5000 words)

       Research Note (1500-3000 words)

       Book Review (1000-1500 words)

Under this category, we welcome reviews of recently published books which are of sociological relevance.


Guidelines for Submission: 

●   The first page of the article/paper should contain only the title of the  paper, an abstract (within 200 words Max) and a few key words (Not more than six (6)) for online search ability. Key 
words should be in small letters and not bold ; Font should be Times New Roman and font size 12.

●  Text  should start on a new page, and the author’s name(s) and references should not be used in the text in order to keep author’s anonymity. [ viz sentence like For details vide my work/article must be avoided].

●   A separate file containing the author’s details  address for correspondence, email id, phone numbers, affiliation/attached with the institution (if any) and also the address of the institution. In case there are two or more authors, then corresponding author’s name and address details must be clearly specified.

●    In a separate file containing author’s declaration that the article/paper has not been published elsewhere and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere should be attached. Author(s) must ensure that they have appropriate permission to cite the works of published material, wherever the permission is needed.
The article must be plagiarism checked and according to UGC norms it must be below 10%.

●    The journal accepts no responsibilities pertaining to copyrights violation by the authors in any form.

●   The author also needs to declare that she/he will not withdraw the article once submitted. (Please see ANNEXURE 1)

 UGC guidelines in respect of plagiarism shall be followed.

       For articles in English style of the font of the main text and author’s details would be times new roman and font size 12.

        Line spacing: 1.5 lines

       Title: font – times new roman, font size 14; Bold

       Subheading: font – times new roman, font size 12; Bold

●     Endnotes: font – times new roman; font size 10
(endnotes would be preferred
 instead of footnotes)

       Alignment : Justify

       References: Use APA style; font size 12


       For articles in Bengali AVRO software should be used.

    Font size of the main text and author’s details would be 12.

        Line spacing:  size-1.5 lines

       Title:  font size 14; Bold

       Subheading: font size 12; Bold

       Endnotes: font size 10
(endnotes would be preferred instead of footnotes)

       Alignment : Justify

     References: Use APA style; Font – times new roman; Font size 12


       Tables and figures should be provided in editable format and should be referred to in the text by number separately (e.g., Table 1) not by placement (e.g., see Table below). Source citations with tables and figures are required.

     Figures, including maps, graphs and drawings, should not be larger than page size. They should be numbered and arranged as per their references in the text.

       Mathematical formulae, methodological details, etc. should be given separately as an appendix, unless their mention in the main body of the text becomes essential.


  The language and spellings used should be British (U.K.), with ‘s’ variant, e.g., globalisation instead of globalization, labour instead of labor. For non- English and uncommon words and phrases, use italics only for the first time. Meaning of non-English words should be given in parenthesis just after the word when it is used for the first time.

              Articles should use non-sexist and non-racist language.

     Spell out numbers from one to ninety nine, 100 and above to remain in figures. However, for exact measurement (e.g., China’s GDP growth rate 9.8 per cent) use numbers. Very large round numbers, especially sums of money, may be expressed by a mixture of numerals and spelled-out numbers (India’s population 1.2 billion). Follow thousand, million, billion number metric system instead of lakhs and crores.

       Quotations of words or more should be separated from the text.

       Avoid footnotes and try to use end notes as far as possible.

       We do not encourage frequent use of capital letters. They should be used selectively and consistently.

       Abbreviations are spelled out at first occurrence. Very common ones (US, GDP, BBC) need not be spelled out. Other commonly used abbreviations (am,pm, cm, kg, ha) can be used in lower case, without spaces.


               Citation Style:

                ●For in-text citations following rule of citation should be followed:

      For Single author use (Kessler, 2003, p. 50) or ‘Kessler (2003); for two authors use (Joreskog & Sorborn, 2007, pp. 50–66) or Joreskog  and Sorborn (2007); for three or many authors use (Basu, Banerji & Chatterjee, 2007) [first instance]; Basu et al. (2007) [Second instance onwards].

           Referencing Style:


Patnaik, U. (2007). The republic of hunger. New Delhi: Three Essays Collective.

       Edited Books:

Amanor, K. S., & Moyo, S. (Eds.) (2008). Land and sustainable development in Africa. London/New York: Zed Books.

       Translated books:

Amin, S. (1976). Unequal development (trans. B. Pearce). London and New York: Monthly Review Press.

       Book chapters:

Chachra, S. (2011). The national question in India. In S. Moyo and P. Yeros (Eds), Reclaiming the nation (pp. 67–78). London and New York: Pluto Press.

       Journal articles: Foster, J. B. (2010). The financialization of accumulation. Monthly Review, 62(5), 1-17.

       Newsletter article, no author:

Six sites meet for comprehensive anti-gang initiative conference. (2006,

November/December). OOJDP News @ a Glance. Retrieved from

[Please do not place a period at the end of an online reference.]

       Newspaper article:

Schwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The Washington Post, pp. A1, A4.

       In-press article:

Briscoe, R. (in press). Egocentric spatial representation in action and perception. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Retrieved from

       Website article:

Greenhouse,S. (2020, July 30). The coronavirus pandemic has intensified systemic economic racism against black Americans. The New Yorker. intensified-systemic-economic-racism-against-black-americans

       Non-English reference book, title translated into English:

Real Academia Espanola. (2001). Diccionario de la

lenguaespanola [Dictionary of the Spanish Language] (22nd ed.). Madrid, Spain: Author.

       Special issue or section in a journal:

Haney, C., & Wiener, R. L. (Eds.) (2004). Capital punishment in the United States [Special Issue]. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 10(4), 1-17.


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