Let's Knowledge Seize the Life
Make Social Research Matter
Transcend & Make Your Everyday Easy

Why Activism
Human society may seem advanced and keeps transforming at a continuous pace, however, in reality, an all-encompassing threat to survival sucks the spirit of life. The most common threats like environmental insecurity, war, poverty, epidemic, and ethnic conflicts coupled with lifestyle diseases, fear, and infringement of freedom hit the very existence of every day from within. The structural conditions are narrowing down the breathing space of being in so many ways.
What We Do

Public Discussion & Strategy Building
We do initiate public discussion on everyday issues and problems relating to a particular section or the population in general. The very purpose is the development of understanding on the issues of concern so as to devise appropriate tools and strategies to combat that suits the context best. In this endeavor We usually attempt focus on the endogenous elements that are responsible for various types of dysfunctionalities.
Case Study & Conversation
We do case studies on people’s personal problems in everyday life, focusing on functional and behavioural concerns such as relationships, alienation, parenting, adjustment issues, self-organization, and workplace management, among others. The objective is to make every day easy so that one can handle the odd situations of daily life and combat obstacles effectively to realize his/her goal and purpose.
Cultural Activities & Creative Engagement
We do organise a variety of cultural programmes to encourage individuals to engage in creative activities and take initiative in their daily lives. The goal is to create a space for interim cultural dialogue in between the compulsions and aspirations of everyday life so that people can break free from the monotony and congestion of routine activities and categorically broaden their scope of development.
Units & Initiatives

Activism Social Science Club
Activism Social Science Club is now a subsidiary wing of the Activism Foundation for Social Research and Action. However, the Club predates the Foundation

Activism Scholars' Forum
Activism Scholars’ Forum is a subsidiary unit of the Activism Foundation forSocial Research and Action. It brings together intellectuals and researchers across..

Activism Cultural Space
Activism Cultural Space is the subsidiary unit of the Activism Foundation. It’s an association of the creative personalities from all the spheres of cultural activities including but not limited to singing

A Case Study With Success
Activism Social Science Club is now a subsidiary wing of the Activism Foundation for Social Research and Action. However, the Club predates the Foundation

A Public Discussion with Difference
Activism Scholars’ Forum is a subsidiary unit of the Activism Foundation forSocial Research and Action. It brings together intellectuals and researchers across..

Cultural Interlocutary
Activism Cultural Space is the subsidiary unit of the Activism Foundation. It’s an association of the creative personalities from all the spheres of cultural activities including but not limited to singing
Journal, Magazine & Blog

An Open Access Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2584- 0738 (online)
“Criticality” is a bilingual journal of the Activism Foundation for Social Research & Action. It is an open-access peer-reviewed journal in the field of everyday life. The journal aims to understand and promote social scientific investigation on the frontiers of everyday life and seeks to explore the concept and practice of critical thinking vis-à-vis common sense perception inculcating the multidisciplinary style in the research process across social sciences. However, it is open to incorporating clues, facts, and ideas in the articles beyond social sciences, particularly if seems relevant to understand everyday lifeworld. Though the primary focus of the journal is to publish works related to everyday practice, nevertheless, it is not limited to publishing ideas, concepts, and theoretical constructs beyond the purview of the empirical observation on everyday life.
শিশু-কিশোরদের ই-ম্যাগাজিন
শৈশব ও কৈশোর বয়স হলো অনেকটা নরম মাটির মতো, পারিপার্শ্বিক পরিবেশ-পরিস্থিতি তাকে যেমন আকার প্রদান করে সে তেমনই আকার প্রাপ্ত হয়। এই বয়সে প্রায় সকলেরই সারল্য আবেগ ও অনুভূতি তুলনামূলকভাবে অনেক বেশি। স্বচ্ছ, অকৃত্রিম ও স্পর্শকাতর এই খুদে চরিত্রদের সাথে বাক্যালাপে প্রয়োজন সূক্ষতা, সহনশীলতা, সহানুভূতি, সংবেদনশীলতা ও ধৈর্য। কিন্তু তাদের এই সরল অনুভূতিগুলির কখনো কখনো পারিপার্শ্বিক পরিবেশ ও পরিস্থিতির কারণে ভোঁতা হয়ে যাওয়ার সম্ভাবনা তৈরি হয়। তাই প্রাথমিকভাবে প্রয়োজন তাদের অবদমিত স্বর ও অভিব্যক্তিকে আরও বেশি করে আলোচনার কেন্দ্রবিন্দুতে নিয়ে আসা যেখানে তার মাধ্যম হবে শিশু ও কিশোর নিজেরাই । এই উদ্দেশ্য নিয়েই “এক্কা-দোক্কা” স্বপ্ন দেখে এই খুদেদের ভাবনাচিন্তা, মনন ও সৃজনশীলতাকে সুনিপুণভাবে সৌখিন আদলে পুনর্নির্মাণ করার তথা দমিত কণ্ঠের ভাষা হওয়ার।
Activism's Blog
সাধারণ কাণ্ডজ্ঞান ও তার বিপদ Author সঞ্চিতা দে ‘Common Sense Perception’ অর্থাৎ ‘সাধারণ কান্ডজ্ঞান’ ও ‘Scientific Knowledge’ অর্থাৎ ‘বিজ্ঞানসম্মত জ্ঞান ‘এই দুটি …
SARS-CoV-19 AND VACCINATION STRATEGIES Authors Sk. Raj Ali The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is believed to have emerged last year in 2019 in …
If the steel was tempered Authors Saswata Ghosh “Man’s dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he …